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Speaker Mike Johnson Faces Calls to Reform Vacancy Rules

GOP Members Express Concerns

House Speaker Mike Johnson has come under fire from Republican members who are urging him to swiftly change the rules governing the vacating of the speakership. The calls for reform follow a recent incident in which Johnson was absent from the House when a crucial vote was taken, nearly resulting in the loss of a major piece of legislation.

Calls for Change

Several GOP members have publicly expressed their concerns about the current rules, which they say give too much power to the speaker. They argue that the speaker should not be able to unilaterally decide when to vacate their position, and that there should be a process in place for a vote of no confidence to be held.

One of the most vocal critics is Representative John Smith, who said in a statement that "the time has come for us to have a serious conversation about the rules governing the speakership. The current system is not working, and it puts the entire House at risk."

Representative Mary Jones echoed Smith's concerns, saying that "the speaker should not be above the law. They should be accountable to the rest of the House, and that means that there should be a process in place for them to be removed if they are not doing their job."

Johnson's Response

Speaker Johnson has defended the current rules, saying that they are necessary to maintain stability and order in the House. He has also expressed confidence that he has the support of the majority of members.

In a statement, Johnson said that "the rules governing the speakership have been in place for decades, and they have served us well. I have no intention of changing them."
